Learn To Professionalize Your Videos In5 Unmissable Tips


Anyone who thinks that professionalizing videos requires spending a lot or understanding complex editing tools is wrong. This post will help you understand how to generate high-quality videos through essential resources and techniques. Come on?!

  1. Planning For Professional Videos

Before starting any recording, you need to plan your content to facilitate team organization, avoid execution deviations and ensure that the result is amazing. The priority is to define the objectives of the video and the intended audience. Afterward, defining the theme, video time, and recording logistics are necessary, schematizing the information in a script.

  1. Environment And Scenery

The elements to think about regarding the ideal recording environment are the noise level of the place, the quality of natural lighting, and the scenery. But it’s nothing complex: a quiet place with controllable light input and white or neutral background is all you need for a clean recording without external interference.

  1. Equipment

In addition to the ideal environment, you need some filming and audio capture equipment to generate professional videos. The basic infrastructure is a notebook with a camera and a USB microphone. Some notebook specifications are essential to enable quality recordings and run video production and editing software: look for i7 computers, from the 5th generation, with 8gb of RAM (2 sticks of 4gb).

  1. Shooting Tips

With all that structure at hand, don’t put everything to waste with poorly executed footage. Points of attention are framing and shooting angle, and camera movement. It is essential to vary between open (further) and close (closer) shots to avoid monotonous videos. It is also recommended that the speaker never turn his back to the camera, something common in videos with slide screens in the background. The touchscreen pulpit is an excellent solution to avoid this kind of posture. It allows all slide control through a screen located in the pulpit in front of the speaker, synchronized with what is shown to the spectator.

Laptops or touch monitors are also great, inexpensive ways to allow the speaker to read and coordinate the slides in front of them.

  1. Editing

Lastly, basic edits will always be necessary to perfect the final result. Eliminate noise, cut wrong scenes, correct brightness, and so on. In addition to the basics, some other features add an extremely professional look to your videos:

Vignettes: these are opening and closing screens, usually accompanied by a white track (music for reproduction without copyright). Vignettes feature the company logo, video theme, etc.

GCs stand for Character Generator and are the names that appear on the screen to introduce guests and make small captions.

Watermark: is the insertion of the brand in the footer of the video, which makes piracy difficult and generates marketing.

These features are available on professional video production platforms such as gillespie productions for example, both for recordings and live broadcasts. In addition, they also allow the presenter to share slides and screenshots simultaneously with the video.

After these steps, your video will be ready to be published on all your networks. Here are some free platform tips to promote your content, and here are some video trends to win over customers.

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